Everything available to us has two sides. One is its better side, which gives us many perks of using it. However, the other side is the affect it has on us negatively. Likewise, the introduction of online teaching learning brings a lot of benefits to the students. It provides students with ample opportunity to learn about various aspects and develop their skills and personality. It contributes in the all round development of the students in many ways. However, it also has a lot of disadvantages as well. There are several advantages and disadvantages of Online classes.
What is online class?
Online classes are the digital learning platform where students can learn by sitting at any place. There are teachers from across the world available to the students on their screen.
Features of Online classes
- No class size limit: Many numbers of students can join an online class. There are no boundaries of class size as offline classes.
- Own pace of the learner.
Advantages of online classes
The introduction of online classes is the only best contribution of the lockdown. Earlier also there were provision of online learning but it was not that prominent among the people. But, once the schools all over the world shut down, online learning proves to be a boon for the learners. There are several advantages of online classes. Such as
Flexible and convenient
One of the major advantages of online classes are the flexibility it offers. It is very much student friendly and it offers opportunity to the students to take the classes as per the convenience. Recorded lectures one facility which facilitate the learners to learn at any time and at any place. That is why; online classes are preferred by the students.
Addresses large group of students
Online classes removes the barrier of having 40 -50 students in one class. With the advantage of online classes more number of students can join the class at once and can learn. It helps to get best teachers available to maximum number of students at once.
Good Learning experience
Online learning as it provides flexibility to the students. Students have this opportunity to learn at own pace. This creates a good learning experience for the students. Furthermore, another advantages of online class is students’ learning is possible with the guidance of teachers from far more places where it is difficult for the students to visit and learn from.
Individualized attention
Other good advantages of online classes are the individual attention it provides to every learner. It provides students the opportunity to learn from teacher with one to one interaction. There are doubts clearing session as well. Students feel connected to the teacher at the interaction is individualized.
Window to the world
An online class provides an opportunity to a student from Australia to get to know about a student from India Assam. Likewise, online classes provide students an opportunity meet people from various arena of life and with various experiences. Otherwise, this process is costly and not possible for many but online classes bring the world o your desktop.
Opportunity to work during study
The average semester length for a classroom course is six months, which is too long for most people to take off work to acquire new knowledge. In fact, depending on annual salary and household income, new studies show that between half and three-quarters of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. This is the advantage of online class that when you enroll in online courses, you may learn at your own pace, even if you have a full-time job. Spend some time studying online after a long day at work, and then do the same thing again the next day. You could even use your lunch break and free time on the weekend to study.
Less cost of education
The best advantages of online class is that the students cut off a lot of the cost of education. Teachers o not have to pay for the place, cost of space, electricity is cut down. Online course creators can repurpose their materials for use in subsequent iterations of their courses. They can avoid giving the same course over and over again in person.
Develops concentration for the students
The other best advantage of online class is it promotes concentration. Taking a course online gives you the freedom to learn anywhere and whenever you like. Course materials can be reviewed at a time and place most convenient to you.
You won't get much out of an online course if you're worried about a friend in need, frustrated by a work situation, or sleep deprived due to over scheduling. Don't try to force yourself to do your homework or pay attention in class if you're not in the right frame of mind.
These are a few advantages of online classes in lockdown. But, nothing in the world come without any defects. There are a few disadvantages as well related to online classes. These are as follows:
Disadvantages of Online classes
Lacks human touch
The major disadvantage of online class is it makes the student alone in the room while connecting them to the world. It lacks the human touch and humane interaction available in the face to face interaction.
Poor infrastructure
Another disadvantage of online class is the poor infrastructure that available in most of the country for online classes. It needs well sound infrastructure but the majority of the population do not avail this facility which deprives them from the opportunity of online classroom.
Technical issues
As online classroom is based totally on online infrastructure, it often falls below the technical issues. Due to this may times a lot of content has to be sacrificed due to technical issues it is one of the biggest disadvantages of online classes.
These are a few disadvantages of online classes. However, Online tuition classes for students have the learning so much easier for them that any issues and doubts they can get solved in minutes with the help of online tuition classes such as Online Craft Classes, SSSI online tuition classes etc.