UPSC 2022 Exam Preparation Tips, Eligibility Criteria, Exam Pattern, Check Syllabus, Books, Important Dates

Last Updated: May 18, 2022

UPSC 2022 Exam Preparation Tips

UPSC stands for Union Public Service Commission, is not an exam, but it's a constitutional body that has the power to conduct the various level of examination in the country, among which is CSE ( Civil Service Examination). So, it's India's premier recruiting body reliable for recruiting candidates for defence, medical, engineering and civil services. On October 1, 1926, the Public Service Commission was founded. It was then renamed the Federal Public Service Commission under the Government of India Act 1935. It was renamed the Union Public Service Commission only after the country gained independence. As a result, it is fair to believe that UPSC was established in 1926.

Every year on average, 90,00,000 to 1,000,000 students apply for the UPSC examination but only a few make it in the end. As per the notification released, UPSC 2022 has a total vacancy is around 712. The aspirants are willing to appear for the examination 2022, which has been scheduled for June 5. 

The aspirants willing to appear for the 2022 UPSC need to start their revision work now as the few days are left for UPSC prelims 2022. If you search for the best preparation tips and books, keep reading the blog, as it will sort out all your dilemma at once.

UPSC 2022 Exam Preparation Tips

Is it too late to start my UPSC preparation for 2022? The most prevalent questions roam in the aspirant's mind. Do you know? Simi Karan aced the UPSC civil services test on her first try, earning an AIR of 31 after only four months of study. If others have passed the exam in less time than you, you can. All you need to do is to be patient and stick to your preparation strategy.

Preparation Strategy you can follow to achieve your goals:

Step I: Examine the syllabus and papers from previous years:

Examine your curriculum and prior year's question papers thoroughly. Going at past year's question papers can assist you in figuring out which parts and points are important for the exam.

Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP), Preamble, and other issues under Polity are frequently questioned.

Step II: Treat the syllabus as your bible

It is critical to study and prepare for every minor and lengthy topic in the curriculum. A few minor points are frequently overlooked when studying from regular textbooks. It will be useful to research and take your notes on such issues. The People's Representation Act is a topic that does not appear in textbooks; thus, conducting one's study will be beneficial. Do that for every minor item on the curriculum. Don't forget about them.

Step III: Lay the foundation

To lay a solid basis, read all of the essential NCERTs in History, Politics, Economics, Geography, and General Science. You can read the suggested books for each topic once you finish the NCERTs:

  • Modern History: Spectrum
  • Medieval History: Satish Chandra
  • Politics: Laxmikanth
  • GC Leong on Geography
  • Nitin Singhania on art and culture
  • Economics: Ramesh Singh

Step IV: Set aside time to read the newspaper

Set aside around 45 minutes each day to read the newspaper. If you're also reading monthly magazines, there's no need to take lengthy notes when reading the newspaper because most of the news will be repeated. UPSC 2022 monthly magazines are already sorted into GS topics and interconnected with all pertinent disciplines. They're already well-organized and thorough. Make a note of any fascinating phrases, instances, or case studies you come across so you may refer to them later.

Step IV: Answer writing

You can prepare your texts using online note-taking software. Divide your notes on the app into GS1, 2, 3, 4, and even further into sub-topics like history, geography, etc. When taking notes, stick follow the curriculum to the letter. It is easy to read an e-newspaper since the layout is highly accessible, and all of the themes are nicely set out.

Step V: Follow a test-based approach

Enrol in a mock test series to maintain consistency, analyze your performance, identify your strong and weak areas, compare your scores to those of your peers throughout India, and prevent blunders in the exam hall. Additionally, attempt to solve as many prior year's question papers as possible.

Concentrate on qualifying for the prelims because the core material for both the prelims and the mains is generally the same. UPSC Preliminary exams are more difficult to pass than the Main exams.

UPSC 2022 Eligibility Criteria

UPSC 2022 eligibility criteria are cited in the official notification. It is advised that the candidate check the UPSC eligibility criteria 2022 before applying for the examination to avoid rejection later. It includes UPSC age limit, nationality and educational qualification. There is no limit set for graduation percentage. The complete details are given below:

Nationality for UPSC Exam 2022

Candidates appearing for the 2022 UPSC exam should be:

  • Must be an Indian citizen
  • A Nepalese or Bhutanese subject,
  • A Tibetan Refugee who came to India to dwell permanently before January 1, 1962.
  • A person of Indian heritage came from Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Kenya, Vietnam, or Zaire.

Age Limit for UPSC Exam 2022

The age limit for the exam is already predefined by the exam conducting authority; the below are the details:


Minimum Age

Maximum Age


21 years

32 years


21 years

35 years


21 years

37 years

 Age Relaxation for UPSC 2022 Exam

The following are age relaxations for reserved category candidates:


Age Relaxation


5 years


3 years

Defence services personal

3 years

Ex-servicemen, including commissioned officers and ECOs/SSCOs

5 years

Ex-servicemen or applicants with any other locomotor handicap or muscular deformity and those who are deaf, hard of hearing, have limited eyesight or are blind.

10 years

 No age relaxation is given to Economics Weaker Section candidates for UPSC 2022 examination.


Educational Qualification for UPSC 2022

The educational qualification for the UPSC 2022 exam states that the candidate must hold a graduation degree bachelor's degree in any field from a university established by an act of the Indian Parliament or a state legislature. Candidates in their last year of studies awaiting their graduation results are also eligible to appear for the IAS preliminary test. Candidates must, however, present documentation of passing the prerequisite test when applying for the Main exam.

UPSC Number of Attempts

There are various attempts the candidates can make based on the different categories. The details are below:


Maximum number of attempts






Till the age limit


Till the age limit

Now, as you know the eligibility criteria, let's check the syllabus of the UPSC CSE examination as it aids you in a proper direction to your preparation.

UPSC CSE 2022 Exam Pattern

Before checking the detailed syllabus of the UPSC CSE Prelims exam 2022, the aspirants must know the exam pattern, and the duration of the examination is two hours for each paper. 

UPSC Prelims 2022 Exam Pattern




General Studies Paper I

100 Questions


General Studies Paper-II CSAT

80 Questions


The IAS prelims test is a multiple-choice exam in which applicants must select the correct answer from a list of possibilities. There are two papers in the IAS prelims exam. The CSAT General Studies Paper-II is exclusively for qualifying purposes and should not be discussed.

UPSC Mains 2022 Exam Pattern

The UPSC mains exam is a descriptive type.


Name of Paper

Marks Allotted


One of the Indian Languages to be selected by the candidate from the languages included in the Eighth Schedule to the constitution (qualifying only)

300 ( qualifying paper)



300 ( qualifying paper)


Essay Paper



General Studies I



General Studies II



General Studies III



General Studies IV



Optional Paper I



Optional Paper-II



Mains Total






UPSC Total Marks



UPSC Syllabus 2022

UPSC syllabus is the nerve centre of exam preparation. Knowing the syllabus in detail is the first step toward the journey of CSE 2022 preparation. Prelims and Mains exam syllabus is separately mentioned on the official website of the exam conducting authority. As Prelims is at its peak, let's discuss the UPSC Prelims 2022 syllabus in detail:

The preliminary examination consists of two papers, GS I and CSAT, whereas the CSAT is the qualifying paper.

UPSC 2022 Prelims Syllabus Paper I: General Studies

  • Current events of national and international importance
  • History of India and the Indian National Movement<
  • Indian and World Geography-Physical, Social, Economic Geography of India and the World
  • Indian Polity and Governance-Constitution, Political System, Panchayati Raj, Public Policy, Rights Issues, etc
  • Economic and Social Development-Sustainable Development, Poverty, Inclusion, Demographics, Social Sector Initiatives, etc
  • General issues on environmental ecology, bio-diversity and Climate Change - that do not require subject specialization
  • General Science

UPSC 2022 Prelims Syllabus Paper II: CSAT

CSAT stands for Civil Service Aptitude Test. It's a qualifying paper, and the marks the candidate earned in it is not included in the prelims examination. The following are the topics covered in this exam:

  • Comprehension
  • Interpersonal skills, including communication skills
  • Logical reasoning and analytical ability
  • Decision making and problem solving
  • General mental ability
  • Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, orders of magnitude, etc.)(Class X level), Data interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency, etc. — Class X level)

As you know the exam pattern and syllabus, you should list your study resources. The preliminary and mains examination syllabus slightly vary from each other, but for the prelims exam, you should not consider the mains books list as the UPSC Pre-exam doesn't demand advanced concepts of the subjects.

UPSC 2022 Prelims Books

We all know the important books for the mains examination as the aspirants mainly focus on the UPSC Mains, but when it comes to choosing the best book for UPSC prelims, the students get confused. Although your UPSC booklist may vary according to your prior knowledge and ability, here is a comprehensive list that both new and experienced UPSC candidates can use for their UPSC preparation requirements. Some of the books will be useful for both the Prelims and the Mains. You must understand the curriculum and exam format before proceeding.

UPSC Prelims General Studies Paper I Booklist:




●        India’s Struggle for Independence – Bipan Chandra

●        Indian Art and Culture by Nitin Singhania

●        NCERT XI (Ancient & Medieval)

●        NCERT XII (Modern Indian History)



●        Certificate Physical Geography – G C Leong

●        NCERT VI – X (Old Syllabus)

●        NCERT XI, XII (New Syllabus)

●        World Atlas (Orient Black Swan)


Indian Polity

●        Indian Polity – M Laxmikanth

●        NCERT IX-XII

International Relations

●        NCERT XII (Contemporary World Politics)

●        Current Affairs


●        Indian Economy by Nitin Singhania

●        Economic Development & Policies in India – Jain & Ohri

●        NCERT XI


●        Tata McGraw Hill CSAT Manual

●        Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning – R S Aggarwal

Solved Papers

●        IAS General Studies Prelims Solved Papers – Vishal Publications

Important Dates for UPSC 2022

The UPSC Prelims examination will be conducted on June 5 2022; the UPSC has already issued the admit card. Below is the important date for 2022 examination.



UPSC CSE 2022 Notification

February 2 2022

Application begins

February 2 2022

Last date to apply

February 22 2022

Admit Card Release

May 10 2022

UPSC Prelims Exam 2022

June 5

Prelims Result Date


UPSC Mains Admit Card

26-Aug-2022 (Tentative)

UPSC Main Exam 2022

September 16- September 25 2022

UPSC Main 2022 Result

December 2022 (Tentative)

IAS Interview e-summon

January 2023 (Tentative)

IAS Interviews 2022

March/April 2023 (Tentative)

If you want to achieve your dream of becoming an officer and serving the nation with all your dedication, then join our online UPSC CSE course to boost your preparation. The following are the additional key benefits you can avail of

  • Affordable fee structure
  • Premium online Prelims and Mains exam
  • Live practise of previous year’s question paper.
  • 24*7 student support

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