The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations has issued the schedule and time-table for the ICSE Class 10th Board Exam in 2024. For the best preparation of your ICSE exams, you can download the ICSE 10th timetable, which includes the question paper, syllabus and revision notes for your reference. The examinations will start from February 21, 2025.
As they prepare for the ICSE Board Exam 2024–25, candidates can find information on the exam dates by consulting the official ICSE Time-table 2024–25. Students should study the schedule very attentively.
Total Number of Subjects
The test consists of seven subjects. Four are required, and three are elective. The CISCE administered the all school-level ICSE Board tests, including those in science, environmental science, history, English, and commercial studies.
ICSE Class 10 Exam Pattern 2024-25
Group – I
English - I: This paper consists of five questions: unseen comprehension passage, notice and letter writing, grammar unseen composition. All the five questions should be answered within two hours.
English II: This paper has four sections. Multiple Choice Questions from Poetry, Prose and Drama will be in Section A. There will be two questions pertaining to drama in Section B, two questions pertaining to prose in Section C, and two questions pertaining to poetry in Section D.
Each question in Section A must be answered. Candidates must attempt all three sections (B, C, and D) as well as one additional question from any of the three sections (Section B, C, or D). Applicants must attempt a total of four questions from sections B, C, and D. You have two hours to write this paper, and you can get up to an 80.
Second Language (Hindi): There will be two parts in this essay. Section A requires 40 marks. In addition to responding to at least two questions from each of the two textbooks they have studied, applicants must attempt any four of the 40-mark questions in Section B. They may also respond to any two questions from the same books. There are three hours to write this assignment.
This paper has two sections: history and civics. The Part 1 has both multiple choice and short answer questions of 30 marks, compulsory to attempt. Part II will consist of Sections A and B (50 marks). As for the questions in Section B, candidates will need to answer three of the five questions and two of the three in Section A. There are two hours to write this response.
Geography: There will be two sections to this exam. Part I will have two questions of thirty marks. The Topographical Map will serve as the basis for the first, and the Map of India for the second (answered compulsorily). There will be brief questions in Part II (50 marks). Candidates must answer any five of the questions in this section. You are allotted two hours to write this assignment.
Mathematics: Section A (40 marks) and Section B (40 marks) comprise this paper.You must answer every question in Section A.. Candidates must respond to any four of the seven questions in Section B. These papers are allotted two and a half hours for completion.
Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology): There are two sections to these three papers: Section A (40 marks) and Section B (also 40 marks). All the short answer questions in Section A1 should be answered. Candidates must respond to any four of the six questions in Section B. Two hours are allotted for these papers.
Economics: There will be two sections in this article. There will be short answer questions in Section A. Every question in Section A must be answered. Candidates must respond to any four questions from Section B. There will be questions in this part that call for thorough responses. Two hours are allotted for writing this paper.
Commercial Studies: portions A and B will comprise the two portions of the Commercial Studies paper. Section A will be made up of short answer questions, which are required to be completed. Any four of the questions in section B must be answered by candidates, all of which need to be responded to deeply. Two hours are allotted to write this assignment.
Computer Applications: There will be two sections in this article. You are required to answer every question from Section A (40 marks). This section will present short answer questions. Candidates must answer any four of the Section B questions (60 marks) in depth. You have two hours to write this assignment. Economic Applications: Sections A and B make up the two sections of the Economic Applications paper. Short answer questions will make up Section A, which is required to complete. Candidates must tackle any four of the Section B questions, each of which calls for a thorough response. Two hours are allotted to writing this assignment.
Commercial Applications: Sections A and B make up the article on commercial applications. All of Section A's questions are required to be answered and are short responses only. Candidates must tackle any four of the Section B questions, each of which calls for a thorough response. Two hours are allotted to writing this assignment.
Home Science: portions A and B make up the two portions of the Home Science paper. All of section A's questions must be answered in short responses only. Candidates must attempt any four of the four long-answer questions in Section B. Two hours are allotted to writing this assignment.
Physical Education: portions A and B make up the two portions of the Physical Education paper. All of section A's questions must be answered and are short responses only. Candidates must respond to a maximum of two questions from Section B. They can choose any two games to tackle each of the two questions. This assignment is allotted two hours for writing.
Final Thoughts!
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